GodBlessAmerica58 1 point ago +1 / -0

She has a touch of RFK Jr Worm damage in her voice...

GodBlessAmerica58 1 point ago +1 / -0

Brian had a stiffy when the first 1,000 votes had Kamala ahead, when there was 200,000 votes Trump was at 74%, now at 440K votes Trump is at 78%...Even RFK went from 4-5% and is likely backing Trump. hah ha ha

GodBlessAmerica58 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm 5' 6" and just south of 210 *Benn exercising) , I doubt I could wear them, I'm an off and on again cyclist. In Florida 2017 I cycled 3,000 miles over 2 months. That's 50 miles a day average, I was in third place, but no danger to 1 and 2 who averaged 100 a day. It was a 3 month contest, but the first 2 weeks I didn't know about it, and the last 2 weeks I stopped riding, bike was in rough shape and I was moving abroad. I ended up in 9th place. Note: They dis a drawing for prizes and you only needed 75 miles over the 3 months to qualify. (Grrr)

My current exercise was walking up the parking garage ramp, its steep at the start, but today was m second day of climbing up all three stairwells in the building I work in. 1,500 steps, but in 3 separate times. Best cardio I ever had, I needed it.

So Skinny Jeans just wouldn't fit my legs or my personality. Kek!

GodBlessAmerica58 6 points ago +6 / -0

Even if 10% of all this stuff is True, and we know it's higher than that, we live in a world full of evil. I'm definitely a Capitalist, but the further you get away from dealing local the worse it gets. Corporations are evil, too few control too much.

GodBlessAmerica58 2 points ago +2 / -0

Skinny Jeans work well on slight builds with slight packages. Kek

GodBlessAmerica58 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just like Bussing Illegals to Sactuary Cities turned out to be a good move. We should also Bus homeless into Californication.

GodBlessAmerica58 2 points ago +2 / -0

This would be great! However, I'm skeptical. I think many of our congressmen are going to skate. Maybe not the CAH Satanists and Child rapers, but for lesser offenses...

GodBlessAmerica58 3 points ago +3 / -0

Lets hope he leaked more than Biden's diaper...

GodBlessAmerica58 2 points ago +2 / -0

A Fantasy would be it has a bomb and will drop it if a single person leaves the capital building, that way the US Marshals can clean up on the Treason and CAH they have committed. Sigh, just a fantasy...

GodBlessAmerica58 3 points ago +3 / -0

A certain amount of Vigilantism can be a good thing.

GodBlessAmerica58 2 points ago +2 / -0

Interesting bit re: CEO

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