EXCLUSIVE: The Same Person Who Slipped Up that Obama Was Spying on Trump Is the Same Person Who Oversaw DoD Unit that Sent $23 M...
You just can’t make this stuff up. The same person who slipped up in an interview and told the world that the corrupt Obama administration was spying on then-candidate and citizen Donald J. Trump, is likely the same person that approved $23 million for Hu...
Sleazy , the manager with the mostest
Other night I pulled up Oderus and Sleazy P. on Hot Seat with Wally George on Youtube. I don't know how old you are, but at the time Wally George's main outrage campaign was as part of Rollergames and how inhumane the Alligator pit was (if you happened to be pushed in Rollergames so hard and so fast that you flew over the wall) Definitely worth a watch as all 3 pretend to be outraged by one another. LOL! GOLD!