Tesla worked t p wards the betterment of humanity... When he died, the FBI under the direction of the US government raided his apartment and stole all his paperspapers... He was a great man... Cheers fren...
This was tested on mythbusters, after they were able to make a steel beam flex with it, they put it on a small bridge. They ended up turning the device off in fear of the bridge collapsing.
this is a great red pill if presented as link to normies on Twitter or wherever
"not sure if man made earthquakes are possible and seems a stretch, but according to a source generally accepted in early 2020, this technology exists/ed. with all the classified dark money going to military's around the world, it seems plausible"
That wasn't what I was saying... The "earthquake" machine was actually a device he wanted to use to harness the free electricity in the air... Cheers fren...
Tesla used an impact at each stoke, more like a square wave, instead of a crank with a sine wave output.
A square wave has plenty of harmonics.
My understanding of this --- it's half of a mechanical multivibrator. Old tube radios in cars used multivibrators to up the voltage for the vacuum tubes.
Ahhh got ya... I've admired Tesla most of my 61 almost 62 years... He was beyond brilliant... It's a shame what our "government" has done to his legacy...
There are strong rumours that he did build it, he spoke of terrible weapons he had designed. Its seems as if the 1906 Tsunguska meteor strike in Sibera was Tesla trying it out, but this is rumour
Tesla worked t p wards the betterment of humanity... When he died, the FBI under the direction of the US government raided his apartment and stole all his paperspapers... He was a great man... Cheers fren...
Agreed... Also, Edison stole the lightbulb from Tesla and I believe the telephone as well... IIRC, Tesla apprenticed under Edison...
Tesla did work for Edison.
Edison's team found an improvement on the lightbulb filament -- not from Tesla.
Tesla was into gas discharge lighting (no filament) like neon, fluorescent, etc..
A. G. Bell and Edison did the telephone about the same time.
Tesla is the father of radio. He had a radio controlled boat in 1901.
Tesla invented tilt-wing aircraft.
Tesla invented the fluid (as in automatic) transmission.
Tesla invented the fluidic valve.
Thank you for clarifying that for me...
That would be interesting... Mornin my friend... ☕️☕️☕️
🤣🤣🤣 I love it...
Laughter is the way to a woman's heart... 😊😊😊
Tesla claims to have built a time machine and tested it himself.
The man was beyond a genius so anything is possible... Cheers fren. .
I am a big Tesla fan.
His flying stove had some serious engineering flaws in it.
I'll have to check it out tomorrow... I'm falling asleep... Cheers fren...
What amazes me is how he was able to do all of his stuff without modern day testing equipment.
He was a true genius in the realm of Einstein and Oppenheimer... I've admired the man for a very very long time... Cheers fren...
For me it was well before the internet.
I ordered the Lindsay books found listed in the back of magazines.
Me too on the long time part kekekek... Thank you for the link, it's bookmarked...
Love Tesla!
Me too fren... Cheers...
He might even be Q, you never know.
Good one!
This was tested on mythbusters, after they were able to make a steel beam flex with it, they put it on a small bridge. They ended up turning the device off in fear of the bridge collapsing.
Amazing what Tesla was able to do wayyyyyy back then isn't it... Cheers fren...
this is a great red pill if presented as link to normies on Twitter or wherever
"not sure if man made earthquakes are possible and seems a stretch, but according to a source generally accepted in early 2020, this technology exists/ed. with all the classified dark money going to military's around the world, it seems plausible"
That wasn't what I was saying... The "earthquake" machine was actually a device he wanted to use to harness the free electricity in the air... Cheers fren...
It was basically a jackhammer.
An oscillator isn't the same as a jackhammer... The oscillator used sound harmonics if I remember correctly...
A jackhammer is a pneumatic oscillator.
Tesla used an impact at each stoke, more like a square wave, instead of a crank with a sine wave output.
A square wave has plenty of harmonics.
My understanding of this --- it's half of a mechanical multivibrator. Old tube radios in cars used multivibrators to up the voltage for the vacuum tubes.
Interesting.. Thank you ...
Ahhh got ya... I've admired Tesla most of my 61 almost 62 years... He was beyond brilliant... It's a shame what our "government" has done to his legacy...
There are strong rumours that he did build it, he spoke of terrible weapons he had designed. Its seems as if the 1906 Tsunguska meteor strike in Sibera was Tesla trying it out, but this is rumour