A mod's life is full of difficult judgement calls. Did we make the right decision with that one post? Were we too harsh, perma-banning that one troll? Here's a real quandary... Did we go too far, perma-banning u/Blind-fury? I will happily allow him back if you guys want him! Thoughts?

Just me but anyone exposing flat earth, never went to the moon and other crap kinda gives the left leverage calling us crazy! Jus sayin!
and they don't already call us crazy? facepalm
I can tell you that the normies are probably less bothered by flat earth than they are a "Kanye is right" tag or "the world is run by satanic pedophiles/Hillary is a cannibal/adrenochrome harvesting" discussions.(all of wilhich are true of course!)
Lets stop pretending flat/hollow/whatever earth is that one idea that is really keeping the normies from jumping on the GAW bandwagon.
They already think we are an antisemetic, racist, mysogynistic, homophobic, transphobic, science denying, frog worshipping, alt right, Qtard cult weaving tales about Tom Hanks and Oprah raping and trafficking children for a global cult.
Being worried that someone might think you are OK with associating with a flat earther is probably the least of our PR problems.
This! You are exactly right!
Should be the least of are worries
I'm cringing with you there.
I’ll add no because of this also. But the name GirthBrooks must get used!
BOOM. I like you.