posted ago by ashlanddog ago by ashlanddog +39 / -0

The eyes of the LORD are in every place, beholding the evil and the good. — Proverbs 15:3

Over the past week, the eyes of the US were drawn to a Chinese balloon up in the sky. What has been dubbed “Chinese spy balloon” spent several days dominating news reports and conversations. People shared their concerns and even memes across social media about what the balloon was perhaps doing as it crossed the US. There were several statements that caught my attention, but one more than the others.

As someone was talking about the event, they said, “I wonder what all the Chinese were able to see. I bet they saw a lot of interesting things across the country.” I was amazed at the varying degree of responses to the incident, but there was one thought that stuck in my mind throughout the event.

It is interesting that so many were concerned about the things the Chinese would see across the country. But they have no concerns for their sin and the fact that God sees it all! I would never discount the aspects of national security and safety, but what about the sin problem in our nation? Are we to the point where sin no longer bothers us?

Scripture teaches us that the eyes of the Lord are on everything. He sees all the good and evil that is happening. Every day, in everything we do, God is looking down, and He sees everything. He sees everything around our lives, but does that concern us?

As Christians, we should try to live our lives in a way that is an example before others. We should try to live our lives absent of sin. That’s not to say we are perfect, but we should set the example that we are different. We should live our lives knowing that God is watching all that we do. After all, He is to be feared much more than anything in this world.

Jared Dyson

Another Well Ministries