LOL Poppycock. I like that word. But no, it is not "common" because it isn't just one note. The resonant (amplitude) frequency must be a match to the resonate frequency of the "glass" of which there are many types and thickness of glass/crystal, and then once matched it must be held at that resonance to create harmonic oscillation which can break adherence. This is quantum and it is usually by "accident" however; in earthquakes, this is what can cause liquification of rock, ground, and I suppose it is also what can allow the passing through of one "solid" object through another. Like walking through a wall. If all is "light, vibration and frequency" as Tesla was able to show, why would any of this proposed Science be Poppycock.
When we are told "this is FACT" and it becomes the basis for our beliefs, then we have just "LIMITED" our ability to experience anything outside of that paradigm. That is why "the end will not be for everyone" or "4-6% lost forever" because they will not be able to "resonate with Truth that their very eyes, ears, nose, etc are experiencing. (Religious Dogma being a Belief as well) That can then "shatter" your mind. Shutdown.
So its okay, call it Poppycock. Your brain, your mind, does not know what can't BE, until you convince it of what Can't BE. You see your Divine Light Code (DNA) is able to pull infinite inspiration directly from Divine Source and that is why the DNA and the ability to "LINK" must be destroyed. I KNOW we are a race of Hue Man and we have the ability to access infinite knowledge and potential and this TRUTH they have LIED to us about, because the Dumber we Believe we are, the Dumber we BECOME. We collectively are creating this SHITHOLE we are experiencing by our inability to "think NEW THOUGHTS". So try being a Scientist, and clear your mind, think of something you have never allowed yourself to believe possible, and hold that thought, vibrational alignment, resonate with it everyday for 17 days. I think you will find that the reality reflected back at you will then present you with PROOF of your New thought. LOL I have to stop now.
LOL Poppycock. I like that word. But no, it is not "common" because it isn't just one note. The resonant (amplitude) frequency must be a match to the resonate frequency of the "glass" of which there are many types and thickness of glass/crystal, and then once matched it must be held at that resonance to create harmonic oscillation which can break adherence. This is quantum and it is usually by "accident" however; in earthquakes, this is what can cause liquification of rock, ground, and I suppose it is also what can allow the passing through of one "solid" object through another. Like walking through a wall. If all is "light, vibration and frequency" as Tesla was able to show, why would any of this proposed Science be Poppycock.
When we are told "this is FACT" and it becomes the basis for our beliefs, then we have just "LIMITED" our ability to experience anything outside of that paradigm. That is why "the end will not be for everyone" or "4-6% lost forever" because they will not be able to "resonate with Truth that their very eyes, ears, nose, etc are experiencing. (Religious Dogma being a Belief as well) That can then "shatter" your mind. Shutdown.
So its okay, call it Poppycock. Your brain, your mind, does not know what can't BE, until you convince it of what Can't BE. You see your Divine Light Code (DNA) is able to pull infinite inspiration directly from Divine Source and that is why the DNA and the ability to "LINK" must be destroyed. I KNOW we are a race of Hue Man and we have the ability to access infinite knowledge and potential and this TRUTH they have LIED to us about, because the Dumber we Believe we are, the Dumber we BECOME. We collectively are creating this SHITHOLE we are experiencing by our inability to "think NEW THOUGHTS". So try being a Scientist, and clear your mind, think of something you have never allowed yourself to believe possible, and hold that thought, vibrational alignment, resonate with it everyday for 17 days. I think you will find that the reality reflected back at you will then present you with PROOF of your New thought. LOL I have to stop now.