My friend Val who is a homeopath and practices natural medicine currently in Morocco sent me this message today.
Part of a letter I received this morning from one of my Australian clients, FYI: Last night I found out that the Australian government has approved the license application from a big pharma company that will allow them to intentionally release a GMO vax containing live bacteria into our state's (Queensland) skies via the geo-engineering program (chemtrails). I have the website link but obviously they're going to bury this info in lots of small print, so I haven't seen the specific info on the website yet but have no doubt it's on the agenda, if not already happening.
First thing i thought back to was this article which was dated January 23, 2023.
Tech billionaire Bill Gates has warned Australia to be ready for the next pandemic, which could be man-made and far more brutal.
Mind the language but she responded, "What a sick fuck he is. Sorry but have to say it like it is. I'm on my last nerve with this guy." She said she would pass this article onto her client and ask for the link for me in regards to the website her client spoke of in the letter. I will post here later in the comments once i get it.
It is just too convenient Kill Gates talks about this a few weeks ago and now this information is coming out.
what the fuck are we supposed to do in this particular scenario?
If you start to notice symptoms, talk to homeopaths. They have effectively treated pandemic for centuries.
In Cuba during Covid 19, they have effectively treated their country men. Don't be so scare yet. There's ways.
You know the answer to this. If you or someone you love gets sick, you have nothing left to lose.
that's the thing, it's not an IF. they are doing it so you DO. like the other guy said and I don't think there's any more reason to wait to see what else
One reason I can think of is that there is no way to know what is true or not. With deep fakes and Chat GPT being able to let an average Joe churn out content that is nearly indistinguishable from reality, imagine that governments and corporations have been able to do in the last few years (and are able to do now).
I assume everything I hear, from every source, is bullshit. When something affects me on a local scale, I re-evaluate and respond. My life has been better for it.
People rioted for a criminal nig-nog who got his just desserts. I didn't. People wore masks. I didn't. People killed their own children via lethal injection. I didn't.
I was told there was a war in Russia. I didn't believe it, nor did I care. I was told a deadly virus had swept the US. I didn't believe it, nor did I care. I was told that Biden was an actor pretending to be president while the patriots were in control. I didn't believe it, nor did I care.
If you have the impetus to act, you have my blessing. But always ask yourself, "What if I'm wrong?" Are you 100% confident about the information you have? What happens if you act and you end up being wrong? Will you put your life and family at risk for that?
All I can say for certain is that there are more annoying blacks and Mexicans in my once-white community, housing prices are gone up, and stinky troons have turned some of my favorite hobbies into garbage. Those are problems I'd love to solve locally, but I can't seem to find any good information about where it's coming from. Everything is disjointed, and I am unable to believe anything I see on the internet.