My friend Val who is a homeopath and practices natural medicine currently in Morocco sent me this message today.
Part of a letter I received this morning from one of my Australian clients, FYI: Last night I found out that the Australian government has approved the license application from a big pharma company that will allow them to intentionally release a GMO vax containing live bacteria into our state's (Queensland) skies via the geo-engineering program (chemtrails). I have the website link but obviously they're going to bury this info in lots of small print, so I haven't seen the specific info on the website yet but have no doubt it's on the agenda, if not already happening.
First thing i thought back to was this article which was dated January 23, 2023.
Tech billionaire Bill Gates has warned Australia to be ready for the next pandemic, which could be man-made and far more brutal.
Mind the language but she responded, "What a sick fuck he is. Sorry but have to say it like it is. I'm on my last nerve with this guy." She said she would pass this article onto her client and ask for the link for me in regards to the website her client spoke of in the letter. I will post here later in the comments once i get it.
It is just too convenient Kill Gates talks about this a few weeks ago and now this information is coming out.
GOD grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. The COURAGE to change the things I can and the WISDOM to know the difference.