posted ago by ashlanddog ago by ashlanddog +55 / -0

Remove not the ancient landmark, which thy fathers have set. — Proverbs 22:28

It has been many years, but once I was in Central America and had the opportunity to visit some Mayan ruins. There are a lot of different areas to visit these types of ruins, but I was fascinated. Some of the ruins were still above ground when they were found, while others were excavated in order to see them. The tour guide walked us around, sharing what they knew about the ruins from the archaeologists.

It was interesting to hear him describe how the ruins were built and what they were used for. Some were used for religious purposes, others for food. There was one specific structure that was in the center of it all. He described that this was the landmark structure.

No matter where you were around the ruins, you could look at this structure and have various pieces of information. For example, you would know your position in regard to geography. You would know if you were on the north, south, east, or west side. You could also tell the time of the day. Most importantly, you could see this structure from a distance to know that you were not too far from home.

I’m so thankful in life that so many Christians have gone before us to set up landmarks like this in life. They went through the battles, the struggles, and the various difficulties, leaving us landmarks to trust in. These landmarks are important reminders to us. Through them, we are reminded of their lives, experiences, and a God who provided. We’re reminded that our time on earth is not forever and that we are not too far from our eternal home.

There are so many that would like to tear down these landmarks from the past. They don’t want to remember a God who cares and loves. They want us to forget about our eternal home that lies just ahead for us all! While others want to tear them down, we need to keep guarding the landmarks set before us.

Jared Dyson

Another Well Ministries