Know WHOOO else is watching the big sportsball festivities, today? The SUPERB OWLS on the Q team, that's who—watching the arena, monitoring security, guarding the airspace, we see you!

Haven't watched since then.
Calm your tiddies, fren. I'm not watching the kickies (especially since the halftime show is such crap), but, what this post is saying is that the Super Bowl is a clear target that we need to keep safe. That's what the Sum of All Fears flair is trying to get across. Guaranteed our guys are watching it. I'm not, but, yeah, our guys sure are.
SOOOO... while I have you here, what do you think? We gonna get a post from you this year? 276 days. This user has no posts. You sure have a strong opinion of what the mods should be doing/not doing for someone with your post history.
Didn’t watch NFL before they took the knee, and certainly have no interest now.
Oh, and apparently they played the black national anthem during the game. What utter divisive garbage.
have not watch any games for over 10 years. Bread and circuses, nothing more, it is all a distraction. Sad so many are under the spell of sports.