Consider me intrigued, Mr. Musk
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35 years ago, a aunt of mine told me how a friend presented to her someone who could seemingly and immediately change shapes. She told us how this person asked her to close her eyes, as they sat at the table where they were, and only a few seconds after, when she opened them, and it was a completely different person. She remember seeing the pope (JP 2, at that time) even with his big white hat he often wore. Details and all. But this person also transformed as the "devil", as she put it, with a lizard face or something, and I remember that it scared the bejezus out of me, remembering what she said, days later. But she wasn't joking at all. Ten years ago, I saw her again and asked if she remembered what it was all about so we could exchange again on the matter. But alas, she didn't! She promptly said that she would have remembered clearly if that had been her telling us this story decades earlier. I'm pretty sure it was her. Anyway.... Did MIB come to take it away from her? Or was it really her? Either way, it happened to someone I knew at the time and it left a very profound impression on me.
By the way I like your name. I wrote a novel called Cannabis Paradise and the main character is called Silex.
Please to meet you, my writer friend. Thank you!