✅ In a recent WEF video, they admit that they have "failed miserably" (= their exact words!) with the attempt to vaccinate the entire world population.
✅ They are failing in the attempt to suppress truth. All their attempts to censor the voice of truth only results in truth becoming more powerful than ever before.
✅ They are failing with monkeypox. Despite their attempts to tell the world there is another pandemic, nobody even takes notice.
✅ They fail in their attempts to destroy Russia, that is busy taking out one of their main headquarters in Ukraine.
✅ They fail in suppressing patriots worldwide. There are more patriots today than ever before in history, who fight hard to preserve the rights and freedoms of the people!
✅ They fail in keeping election fraud a secret. More than ever, their strategy to position corrupt politicians in governments, is being exposed, and this will only increase.
✅ They are failing in their media monopoly, which is literally beginning to crumble. Viewership of mainstream media is at an all time low, and they even openly admit that the public no longer trusts them. New media are emerging worldwide.
✅ They are failing in the pharmaceutical world, where their corruption is more exposed than ever. Millions of health care workers know - for the first time in their life - that Big Pharma is a criminal cartel.
✅ They are failing with their LGBTQA+ agenda, as countless parents are rising up fiercely to oppose their attempts to desire the identity of children worldwide.
✅ They are failing with their climate change hoax, as numerous scientists are speaking out against this massive lie, and powerful documentaries are being released to expose how the weather and climate are in fact manipulated by these criminals.
And they are failing in many other areas...
They are digging their own grave! Everything they do exposes them even more. Keep revealing truth! Keep praying. Don't give up. The breakthrough is happening and it will only get bigger. The world is waking up and that awakening has only just begun!
Are they really failing though or are they just taking longer than they wanted to grind freedom down? The devil doesn't need every plan to yield him all living souls in existence. He can steal them one at a time through as many schemes as he can concoct because everyone he steals from God is a victory for him.
We didn't win because 1/3 of the Country didn't get vaccinated. We lost because 2/3rd of the Country did. And they'll just pivot to get more with a scarier virus and a different delivery mechanism. ZOMG, avian influenza, we need to vaccinate all the farm poultry with a new mRNA vaccine against it! Now if you eat any chicken that didn't raise yourself or didn't cost $12 a pound from some certified organic farm you're eating the stuff they wanted to inject into you.
Did their LGBTWTFBBQ^2 agenda fail because some parents know about it? Go look at what percentage of people identify as that now versus even 10 years ago. They didn't fail, they succeeded in isolating and alienating all those people.
Our southern border has never been leaking more illegals than it does now.
Their diversity agenda and identity politics has been very successful in isolating people and sowing distrust within communities causing a cratering of civil engagement. Destroy the family, destroy the Church, destroy all the traditional support mechanisms leaving only Government.
They're destroyed the traditional black family with 72% of black kids living in single parent homes.
The fact is Government continues to get bigger, our debt gets bigger, and your purchasing power erodes as they do it.
The beast is not slain, you've merely delayed him. I have yet to see any stake through the heart of the monster.