posted ago by ashlanddog ago by ashlanddog +48 / -0

And he went up unto them into the ship; and the wind ceased: and they were sore amazed in themselves beyond measure, and wondered. — Mark 6:51

Back when we first started Another Well Ministries, I remember that I went through a pretty big challenge in getting our website working properly. I knew that God wanted me to start the ministry and get the website going. The problem was, it seemed no matter how hard I tried, something would break and simply not work as it should.

Perhaps it was the emails that would not go out on time. At other times the devotionals or Bible studies would not appear on the page. I would check the settings, and everything would be right. There was a web developer I had to take a look at things. Even he couldn’t figure out what was going on.

There are so many times life seems that way. You are doing exactly what God told you to do, but it seems like you are just struggling. That’s where the disciples found themselves here. Jesus had told them to cross over the water, but they found themselves in a storm. Not just that, but a few verses before, it says they were toiling in rowing.

That’s exactly how I felt about the website. I was doing what I was supposed to do, but I was working away and seemingly getting nowhere. Those are the times in life when God likes to show up and do something spectacular.

Maybe you find yourself there today. Maybe you feel like you are just going and going but getting nowhere. Don’t give up! God has a purpose and a plan. Just do as the disciples did, call out to Him! Let Him know what’s going on and let Him bring peace into your circumstance.

Jared Dyson

Another Well Ministries