Tinfoil: We’re under attack. Cabal is trying to eliminate us under MSM cover. MSM is barely covering these chemical spills. By not covering it they are engaging in treason. Trump’s lack of response is because they are in the war room. The rolling stone article about Trump wanting to bring back public executions is in response to this attack. They’re all going down.
I hope I live long enough to see at least some executions for treason and treachery. If they don’t kill us with Covid shots and other shots, they will do it with chemical spills attacking our water, crops and the air we breathe.
Tinfoil: We’re under attack. Cabal is trying to eliminate us under MSM cover. MSM is barely covering these chemical spills. By not covering it they are engaging in treason. Trump’s lack of response is because they are in the war room. The rolling stone article about Trump wanting to bring back public executions is in response to this attack. They’re all going down.
I hope I live long enough to see at least some executions for treason and treachery. If they don’t kill us with Covid shots and other shots, they will do it with chemical spills attacking our water, crops and the air we breathe.
Bingo! They are hitting their georgia guide stone goals one way or another