Many will die. But they’ve determined the path forward that results in the fewest casualties. Unfortunately they can’t “end it now” - Q says “Patriots in Control” but that doesn’t mean genie-level powers to make everything right.
It means,
“We’re playing a chess match with a powerful enemy, but the tide has turned. Sometimes we lose a pawn so that we can take powerful pieces. The enemy only has so many moves they can make, and we’ve anticipated all of them. They with thrash about but their fate is set. We will win.”
If you try to save all your pawns, you will lose ALL your pieces. This is the thing progressive liberals can never understand - that some pain and suffering can be used for good. They want “everything to be fair” - and it’s impossible.
White squall is the movie that is parallel to what we are going through. I do not think the wind has hit our ship yet. We will lose loved ones. Some of us will make the ultimate sacrifice. But in the end the war will be finished.
God won. We win.
As an artist, I’m very impressed that this is actually two completely different drawings. I love it too. Puts a lump in my throat.
Nitter link to @bobscartoons:
The man is a godsend.
At this rate there may not be many of us left to save. How many more need to die in this war? The WH need to end this NOW!
Many will die. But they’ve determined the path forward that results in the fewest casualties. Unfortunately they can’t “end it now” - Q says “Patriots in Control” but that doesn’t mean genie-level powers to make everything right.
It means,
If you try to save all your pawns, you will lose ALL your pieces. This is the thing progressive liberals can never understand - that some pain and suffering can be used for good. They want “everything to be fair” - and it’s impossible.
White squall is the movie that is parallel to what we are going through. I do not think the wind has hit our ship yet. We will lose loved ones. Some of us will make the ultimate sacrifice. But in the end the war will be finished.
"WOW" look at all those "Condensation Trails" in the sky - "Wink Wink" . . .