30 IS THE USA UNDER ATTACK? posted 2 years ago by shadowsheikh 2 years ago by shadowsheikh +30 / -0 6 comments share 6 comments share save hide report block hide replies
We are dealing with the scourge of planet. They'd rather burn it down than give up control.
Reasons normies will ignore reality.
TV tells them every evening all is great. Bidan doesn't say mean things.
Selfish don't care as long as they are covered.
Some too busy wondering how to survive rather than worry about communist attacks and corruption.
Some just don't give a damn no matter what happens. They've lost all hope and are ready to let it all burn.
Some see it, but know that other than T2A they can't do much. They see the justice system and elections are a farce.
Some are just panzies. They prefer to put hands over eyes and fingers in their ears until it all just goes away.
Spite. If bidan sucks then that means Trump was better, or even worse - RIGHT.
Good response. I might add that people who are dependent on the corrupt system for food, income, or housing are NOT going to rise and fight that system. It gets down to "who pays them."
Yes. Along with humanity.
Yeah, and the whole world too. Part of the end times, perhaps. Social turmoil due to more and more disasters.
We are ALWAYS under attack, and it comes in many forms.
We can't be under attack. General Milley's friends in the CCP, and PLA would have called him first. https://noqreport.com/2021/09/14/report-milley-told-china-in-secret-phone-call-he-would-give-the-ccp-advance-warning-if-us-was-ever-going-to-attack/