40 Well it's about damn time if you ask me! (justthenews.com) posted 2 years ago by ChiefWoody2021 2 years ago by ChiefWoody2021 +40 / -0 Trump vows to mount major ballot-harvesting campaign 'in every state we can' Analysts have said Democratic vote-gathering efforts explain major wins, midterm successes 6 comments share 6 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Re tooling of tools of war. Use the enemies tools against them. Then you force mistakes on their side. Because those tools become useless.
It wont matter if Democrats have control of counting, running elections....
I am not comfortable with this. Hear me out. I don't think it's a good idea to cheat. However; if this is some sort of master level trolling in order to introduce the topic to national discourse, then I think it's a great idea.
Its not cheating, some states allow it.
Yes, there are 17 states that allow it.
Vote early and often. Truck your ballots to the nearest drop box.