Weakening field is related to the mechanics of the magnetic pole flip. This in itself will be catastrophic. The timing is unknown - could be a century, or tomorrow. But, they tell you this to keep you disarmed. The weakening field IS happening NOW, and it's rate of collapse is accelerating. It's causing the craziness and health problems that we are seeing NOW and it will keep getting worse.
We will likely experience solar flares that will blast our civilization back to the stone age. Crap shoot as to if these will be before or after the pole flip (or both). On top of the fact that we may very well EMP ourselves first.
And, if one of these "flares" is of the solar "micronova" class, then we will experience a further catastrophe not unlike the great flood - crustal and ocean displacement, bombardment by impactors blasted from the Sun, etc. Some, including many scientists (in the classical sense: teaching, publishing, doing research, etc.), believe that this could happen within 2-3 decades.
Keeping society chugging along is the only option. But, evil will never let a crises go to waste. This is the REAL reason for everything that is happening right now.
Not exactly.
People that know, and have sufficient resources, are attempting to survive it.
But, the weakening field is only part of what's coming...
I hear ya.
The Great Reset is much deeper than most imagine.
What's the other part?
Weakening field is related to the mechanics of the magnetic pole flip. This in itself will be catastrophic. The timing is unknown - could be a century, or tomorrow. But, they tell you this to keep you disarmed. The weakening field IS happening NOW, and it's rate of collapse is accelerating. It's causing the craziness and health problems that we are seeing NOW and it will keep getting worse.
We will likely experience solar flares that will blast our civilization back to the stone age. Crap shoot as to if these will be before or after the pole flip (or both). On top of the fact that we may very well EMP ourselves first.
And, if one of these "flares" is of the solar "micronova" class, then we will experience a further catastrophe not unlike the great flood - crustal and ocean displacement, bombardment by impactors blasted from the Sun, etc. Some, including many scientists (in the classical sense: teaching, publishing, doing research, etc.), believe that this could happen within 2-3 decades.
Keeping society chugging along is the only option. But, evil will never let a crises go to waste. This is the REAL reason for everything that is happening right now.
I don't believe that. Science requires evidence. EMP's can't wreck everything. I don't see a reason for fear here.