Everyone in Ohio should refuse to pay taxes in protest of the governments handling of the chemicals spill. Citizens of Ohio I call to you to finally put your foot down and stop coddling the overwhelmingly dishonest government that has left you chemically scarred and damaged the environment in which you live. The only solution is to stop feeding this tyrannical beast that see's you as nothing more than livestock. In a just society after major screw ups like this the people responsible would be jailed immediately and preventative measures would be laid out so this can never happen again. But instead it happens again, and again, and again. They have no problem raping the planet and poisoning the rivers and the wells. If you had any common sense you would freeze all payments of taxes this season in protest or else you are giving the corporatist government the go ahead to do the exact same thing again but this time it might be in your backyard.
this comes from a person in reddit
This is 100% - we need to stop funding the 1%ers …. Remember April 15 is an F U to the working man and woman … It’s a morib anniversary for the sinking of the Titanic and on 4/15 every year we pay our fee to the Bank of England … the Rothchilds, interest payments to the federal reserve.
The Titanic which was carrying John Jacob Astor, Isidore Straus (Macys) and Benjamin Guggenheim - they were returning to America on the maiden voyage of the Titanic to inform Congress that America should NOT join the federal reserve banking system - a system of debt slavery. JP Morgan and many other 1% at the time cancelled their plans to be on the Titanic - the greatest sailing ship of its time, at the time the Titanic was considered the 8th Wonder of the World … But the weird thing is …. After the Rothchilds and the London Bankers held their meeting (most of worlds wealthiest people in one place ) a large percentage of these rich banksters cancelled their tickets aboard the Titanic … as a matter of fact the 1st Class section was not sold out … why? What did they know? Iceberg my ass!
So April 15th we the sheep pile money into the coffers of the elite - so they can use it for blackmail, bribery and genocide against their own people.
We are paying them to kill us.