ModeRNA needs to be included in this. It's a farce how the company and individuals responsible for handling the patents on COVID's genome as well as the development of mRNA tech (it's in the damn name of the company for fuck's sake) have gotten away with public scrutiny.
Well, didn’t someone say a couple of months ago that the Powers that Be wanted ModeRNA to be the ”winner” of the Pharma competition? The comments had something to do with investors in the three or so “new” ModeRNA facilities in the world or something like that, one of which is near Montreal. Can’t remember the specific source, though.
Is that a cyanide pill hes gonna pop there? Should be
ModeRNA needs to be included in this. It's a farce how the company and individuals responsible for handling the patents on COVID's genome as well as the development of mRNA tech (it's in the damn name of the company for fuck's sake) have gotten away with public scrutiny.
Well, didn’t someone say a couple of months ago that the Powers that Be wanted ModeRNA to be the ”winner” of the Pharma competition? The comments had something to do with investors in the three or so “new” ModeRNA facilities in the world or something like that, one of which is near Montreal. Can’t remember the specific source, though.