For those who don't know, falsifying the paperwork was a cornerstone of making communism appear to work in the Soviet Union. Also, if "The Party" declared something a certain way, it was a certain way. If you wanted to argue about it, you could do so with your fellow prisoners in the gulags as you starved to death. This is roughly how things would go:
So you say a toxic waste spilled killed your family and livestock? Wrong! The chemical that was spilled has now been declared non-toxic by the Soviet Commissar of Chemical Sciences. Your family and livestock died on their own. Now shut your mouth or you will get thrown into the gulags.
So you say the government mandated shot injured you? Wrong! The Soviet party has declared the shot 100% safe and effective. Your injury was caused by something else. Now shut your mouth or you will get thrown into the gulags.
This sounds suspiciously Soviet to me.
For those who don't know, falsifying the paperwork was a cornerstone of making communism appear to work in the Soviet Union. Also, if "The Party" declared something a certain way, it was a certain way. If you wanted to argue about it, you could do so with your fellow prisoners in the gulags as you starved to death. This is roughly how things would go:
So you say a toxic waste spilled killed your family and livestock? Wrong! The chemical that was spilled has now been declared non-toxic by the Soviet Commissar of Chemical Sciences. Your family and livestock died on their own. Now shut your mouth or you will get thrown into the gulags.
So you say the government mandated shot injured you? Wrong! The Soviet party has declared the shot 100% safe and effective. Your injury was caused by something else. Now shut your mouth or you will get thrown into the gulags.
Solzhenitsyn has entered the chat.
Worth reading. It provides good insight into what they are doing today. Nothing they do is new, it's just recycled evil.