SG ANON - "Terrorist Cells Activated?"
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Why, the House can't do anything about it except make it public and make referrals to the same DOJ that has been covering up for them all along.
And as far as making it public Democratic voters don't care about the truth and will dismiss it as it is coming from Republican investigations.
Remember Anon,
This is an information war, not a kinetic war. Disclosure, exposure, and declas are what will win this 5th Gen War. The House has the power to begin seeding new narratives into the public that will grow into gargantuan weeds in the minds of the normies. Seeds planted now will come to fruition in 2024 when the entire corrupt temple is made transparent for all to see.
It doesn't matter if hardcore Democrat voters believe in the investigative work that the House is conducting. It is my belief that we have far more normies who are sitting on the fence at present than are in the Democrat voting ranks. When the three moves begin to play for all to see, those fence sitters will land squarely in The Great Awakening camp.
"not a kinetic war" lol more kinetic than any war has ever been, in terms of civilian casualties.
This. It most definitely has a kinetic aspect. It has been in our faces for a while now. Trains being derailed, planes/helicopters/cars being crashed, chemicals being released, bioweapons being released, weaponization of DOJ/IRS, false flags, balloon shooting galleries, depopulation, destruction of supply chains, destruction of food supplies, deployment of MS-13 for "wet-works", violent protests resulting in Burning/Looting/Murdering (see what I did there?)... and don't forget the biggest of all - Ukraine.
What we are living through at this precise moment has all 3 aspects of war mentioned above (kinetic, informational, and spiritual) while somehow existing just below the attention and awareness of most average people.