dec3169 5 points ago +5 / -0

He also stayed with Trump for about a week so he could treat him.

dec3169 3 points ago +3 / -0

Exactly. I dodged a bullet myself. Not only did I make it before woke was even thought of, but I grew up in Maryland. I made it before they went communist. I haven't been back there since the day I joined the Air Force at 17 years old (and I'm gen-X).

I'm holding out hope that gen-Z has seen enough by now that as they start to grow up and have families they can "reset" the cycle and get back to the way things are supposed to be. Things like learning civics instead of the alphabet mafia, or relying on merit instead of party, ethnicity, sex, or race. And of course learning how to think, not what is acceptable to think.

dec3169 2 points ago +2 / -0

He mumbled multiple things. Packing the court, pushing through "ethics reform", and term limits for justices.

This is all for show. He doesn't have the right to do any of those things, any more than Roberts could add more senators in red states. Any voters he actually had are stupid enough to believe he can do it.

Biden, Roberts, and Johnson all head their respective branches of government. They can't do things like that to the other branches because we (theoretically) still have checks and balances. Having said that, the closest any of the 3 could get to changing something in the other branches (and actually making it stick) is Roberts, because SCOTUS can find unconstitutional any laws that CONgress tries to pass.

The Legislative branch could try passing a law, the Executive branch could sign it and make it a law, but the Judicial branch can smack them both down based on the constitutionality (or the lack thereof).

To be fair - while people are stupid overall and don't know much about the governmental process, the left has been forcing that by stopping any civics education. They want you ignorant, just for stuff like this.

dec3169 3 points ago +3 / -0

Someone put together a model airplane, hung it from a thread, piped in some sound, and let the model twist. Then they put the background in.

dec3169 2 points ago +2 / -0

For 0bama to be appointed VP, both houses of CONgress would have to approve via a majority vote. Personally I don't believe there is a chance in hell that either team would vote for that. Reps wouldn't want him anyway, and Dems are theoretically smart enough to realize that would be tied up in every court for years until it reached SCOTUS. I could see half of the state AGs suing to stop it, individually. By the time a case reached SCOTUS the situation would be long over, and the only thing to be decided is what to do about the 12th, 20th, 22nd, and 25th amendments so nobody tried it again. That is - if SCOTUS doesn't just punt saying the point is moot.

What's worse is if Kamala is stupid enough to try it, she could also be stupid enough to step down before any court cases are filed - leaving the POTUS and VP both vacant. We would be left with the SoTH Mike Johnson as POTUS (currently a Rep) and the President Pro Tempore of the Senate Patty Murray (currently a Dem) as VP - and of course another open SoTH vote to replace Johnson.

Also that would mean for the first time ever, the Executive branch would be run by the top two ranking people in the Legislative branch just a day before.

It is a fun exercise, but there is zero chance of it happening.

Finally - Ford was not appointed to both offices. He was appointed and confirmed as VP, but he assumed the office of President (via succession and the 25th amendment) when Nixon stepped down. Immediately and Automatically.

dec3169 9 points ago +10 / -1

Why is there no url/name/handle/timestamp - nothing at all? Without any identifying info this is just fan fiction.

It is also wrong, as I established last night. Here is the comment with the sauce: https://greatawakening.win/p/17tebv3X5X/x/c/4ZCcSCLCVwy

dec3169 1 point ago +2 / -1

It is easy to do - especially because Iran threatens people (like Trump and Bolton for example). I imagine the intel agencies and DS love it when that happens and they now have a new excuse.

dec3169 -1 points ago +1 / -2

I hope you're just young and haven't had a lot of experience in hostility. If so, consider yourself lucky.

The reason Iran wanted pallets of cash is because they needed hard currency they could use to trade internationally. It has been that way for decades because of sanctions. In Turkey if we needed to trade dollars for lira it was usually an Iranian guy that gave the best exchange rate. They needed dollars. They also made a lot of money selling pistachios by the kilo. I personally helped with that. A lot.

Think about it. The world still (but maybe not for too much longer) deals with US Dollars. Not only did Iran not have enough, but other countries didn't want to risk paying Iran in dollars to avoid the wrath of the US for breaking sanctions. Obama also didn't give Iran just dollars - he mixed in other currencies like Euros to make it even easier for Iran to spend. Countries under sanction deal mostly in cash to avoid losing their money.

In Iran - 1 guy controls everything - the Ayatollah. The evil people are getting the money. The only reasons it was clandestine is because the US is not supposed to negotiate with terrorists, we had sanctions on them and were breaking our own sanctions, and because Obama is a POS.

One other thing - the list you put above is a list of evil stuff - not war/hostilities. Of course Iran has little if anything to do with that. What they have done though (to name a few) is continue to build nukes, share the tech with other like-minded countries, create the bombs and IEDs used in Iraq against US and allied soldiers, fund terrorism around the world, commandeer boats in the Gulf (including a US Navy ship and our crew a few years back), and many other things. It is not lost on me that the US govt. does many of the same things. We are seeing it right now in Ukraine. But saying Iran is not hostile is just not true.

dec3169 -1 points ago +1 / -2

Agreed - Iran used to be a great country until CIA messed things up. They were very western. Now, not so much. The people that identify as Persians instead of Iranians are really nice. It is the govt that is really bad - much like ours.

dec3169 -2 points ago +1 / -3

WTH? Are you Iranian? They've been hostile for as long as I can remember, and that includes them being involved in a car bomb that killed a friend of mine in the early '90s in Turkey. They have hits out on several people in the current and former US administrations. They fund all kinds of groups. Granted, the US govt is responsible for pissing them off over and over again, but they are absolutely hostile.

Edit - I didn't downvote you, thought I really wanted to.

dec3169 1 point ago +1 / -0

That I don't know. I do know a few of Biden's picks didn't make it and were withdrawn (or they stepped down themselves) like the ATF guy. With RINOs like Grahmnesty, Cornyn, Collins, and Murkowski it would be really hard to vote one of the picks down.

dec3169 4 points ago +4 / -0

There is another reason to keep CONgress "in session" or gaveled-in. When CONgress is not in session, POTUS can do recess appointments. So if, for example, the AG position is open and the Senate won't approve the POTUS's choice. POTUS could appoint an interim AG on his own during a recess and CONgress can't do anything about it. The appointment only lasts until the end of the CONgressional session.

However - the Senate can hold "pro-forma sessions" where they technically remain in session, with someone there "conducting business". They did this to Trump to keep him from making any recess appoints. Reagan, both Bushes, Clinton, and Obama all had recess appointments.

dec3169 15 points ago +15 / -0

Even in session they can be arrested for felonies (and likely any crime), though they don't want you to know that...


In Article I, Section 6, Clause 1, the Framers provided for Members of Congress to be free from arrest when attending or traveling to and from Congress except in cases of treason, felony, or breaches of the peace. In interpreting this provision, the Supreme Court has held that the phrase treason, felony, and breach of the peace encompasses all criminal offenses. Consequently, Members are only privileged from arrests arising from civil suits, which were common in America at the time the Constitution was ratified.

dec3169 6 points ago +6 / -0

There could be another explanation on this. The Old Guard is also the 3rd Infantry, and includes the Tomb Guards at Arlington Cemetery.

I tried looking to see if Arlington has a wreath-laying schedule posted but they do not. However - it is possible Gen Flynn could be laying a wreath, or (more probable) Netanyahu is laying one. He does so nearly every time he visits. I used to work there part time when I was stationed at the Pentagon and needed extra money (enlisted pay sucked). I worked one of his wreath ceremonies.

I'm not saying this is the reason, but if Netanyahu is laying a wreath and the useful idiots protesting find out, the Old Guard will absolutely need to be ready.


dec3169 2 points ago +2 / -0

It is absolutely not nice if you are anywhere on the autism spectrum. Complete sensory overload - especially if there are a ton of kids, and birthday parades/celebrations going on. I made it 5 minutes and had to go sit in the car the one time I went.

dec3169 2 points ago +2 / -0

Exactly. No naps for us. They used to get so mad at me because I wouldn't use their fat pencils or crayons, wouldn't nap, and didn't do any of the writing or reading stuff they tried with the other kids. I was taught to read/write/count and think for myself from a very young age and was reading at between a 5th and 6th grade level in kindergarten. I was bored out of my mind.

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