People of the World, we have been Globally betrayed by our Governments, with the good trust we lent them. We need to come together in respectful, responsible and effective patterns.
If we create a human circle to promise each other we preserve our integrity and dignity in combined success of the Spirit of a fair and honest life lived on planet Earty.
I propsoe, that Industrialized Nations create a working class who earn less per hour to feed the needs of industries that would otherwise leave. In return, their homes are provided for them and they pay much less tax.
People of the World, we have been Globally betrayed by our Governments, with the good trust we lent them. We need to come together in respectful, responsible and effective patterns.
...valid observation, nicely stated....
Your Sage loyalty is deeply appreciated. Your beautiful lwvel of sensitivity.
...wags tail humbly...
God bless your loyal readership good Sir.....
If we create a human circle to promise each other we preserve our integrity and dignity in combined success of the Spirit of a fair and honest life lived on planet Earty.
We are going to develope a mirror Universe Financial engine. Only tje good energy of the Individuals goes into the pure system.
Soon, tje more you spend closer to your home. The more you'll get back in Town, City and Nation by preserving the valuenof your own currency..
I propsoe, that Industrialized Nations create a working class who earn less per hour to feed the needs of industries that would otherwise leave. In return, their homes are provided for them and they pay much less tax.