Don’t invest any more time in this person, you have no future with them. If she’s a Disney loving Lib, most likely she will eventually show her true colors, and it will be intolerant of your views. And you don’t want to spill your pearls into a poison garden. Most of these types cannot be reprogrammed. Especially the ones who are into Disney; they seem to be a whole next level deep-programmed type of Liberal crazy. Sorry fren, I’m a woman and I know women. Dear God, do you want to spend the rest of your future going to Disney World every year and being forced to participate in that ridiculous culture?
She's also probably a functional alcoholic. And weed smokers / gamers are just looking for their next hit of dopamine. Her's is living in a virtual world. When you don't give her that 'fix', she'll kick you to the side. Find a respectable woman, brother.
Don’t invest any more time in this person, you have no future with them. If she’s a Disney loving Lib, most likely she will eventually show her true colors, and it will be intolerant of your views. And you don’t want to spill your pearls into a poison garden. Most of these types cannot be reprogrammed. Especially the ones who are into Disney; they seem to be a whole next level deep-programmed type of Liberal crazy. Sorry fren, I’m a woman and I know women. Dear God, do you want to spend the rest of your future going to Disney World every year and being forced to participate in that ridiculous culture?
She's also probably a functional alcoholic. And weed smokers / gamers are just looking for their next hit of dopamine. Her's is living in a virtual world. When you don't give her that 'fix', she'll kick you to the side. Find a respectable woman, brother.