Canada intel agency leaks report that China helped Trudy win the last election and he covered it up.
Pierre rips into him for colluding with China and calls him out.
I dont see the benefit of releasing this info if CSIS works for Trudeau, unless they know nothing will be done. This is quite literally against the law in canada within our Election laws.
DIVISION 0.1 Prohibition on Use of Foreign Funds by Third Parties Marginal note:Definitions
349.01 (1) The following definitions apply in this Division.
advertising means the transmission to the public by any means of an advertising message that promotes or opposes a registered party or eligible party or the election of a potential candidate, nomination contestant, candidate or leader of a registered party or eligible party, otherwise than by taking a position on an issue with which any such party or person is associated. For greater certainty, it does not include
(a) the transmission to the public of an editorial, a debate, a speech, an interview, a column, a letter, a commentary or news;
(b) the distribution of a book, or the promotion of the sale of a book, for no less than its commercial value, if the book was planned to be made available to the public regardless of whether there was to be an election;
(c) the transmission of a document by a Senator or a member the expense of which is paid by the Senate or House of Commons;
(d) the transmission of a document directly by a person or a group to their members, employees or shareholders, as the case may be;
(e) the transmission by an individual, on a non-commercial basis on the Internet, of his or her personal political views; or
(f) the making of telephone calls to electors only to encourage them to vote. (publicité)
foreign entity includes
(a) an individual who is not a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident as defined in subsection 2(1) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act;
(b) a corporation or entity incorporated, formed or otherwise organized outside Canada that does not carry on business in Canada or whose only activity carried on in Canada consists of doing anything to influence electors to vote or refrain from voting, or to vote or refrain from voting for a particular candidate or registered party, at an election;
(c) a trade union that does not hold bargaining rights for employees in Canada;
(d) a foreign political party; or
(e) a foreign government or an agent or mandatary of one. (entité étrangère)
Marginal note:Definition of advertising
(2) For the purposes of the definition advertising, promoting or opposing includes
(a) in relation to a registered party or eligible party,
(i) naming it,
(ii) identifying it, including by its logo, and
(iii) providing a link to an Internet page that does anything referred to in subparagraphs (i) and (ii); and
(b) in relation to the election of a potential candidate, nomination contestant, candidate or leader of a registered party or eligible party,
(i) naming him or her,
(ii) showing a photograph, cartoon or drawing of him or her,
(iii) identifying him or her, including by political affiliation or by any logo that he or she has, and
(iv) providing a link to an Internet page that does anything referred to in subparagraphs (i) to (iii).
2018, c. 31, s. 223 Marginal note:Prohibition — use of foreign funds
349.02 No third party shall use funds for a partisan activity, for advertising, for election advertising or for an election survey if the source of the funds is a foreign entity.