Head of Turkish Space Agency: "Titanium rods from space caused the earthquake"
Serdar Hossein Yildirim, the president of the Turkish Space Agency, has offered a new theory about how or who caused the devastating earthquake in Turkey on February 6.
Yildirim explained that earthquakes are caused by satellites in space dropping titanium rods into the ground
“There are military satellites that can send 10 meter titanium alloy rods from Space to any target! These rods penetrate to a depth of 5 kilometers into the ground, creating an earthquake of magnitude 7-8 on the Richter scale. It is not possible to trace them," he said.
FTA (in Greek): https://www.pronews.gr/amyna-asfaleia/toyrkia/epikefalis-tourkikis-diastimikis-ypiresias-ton-seismo-prokalesan-ravdoi-titaniou-apo-to-diastima/
Like using a bomb sight... calculate the spacecraft's speed, distance to fall, a slight drag as it encounters the atmosphere, but its terminal velocity would still be quite fast. Being tungsten (a dense metal) calculate the velocity X mass and you get terminal ballistics getting up there with a full sized bomb, it's just that these are kinetic bombs.
Interesting side note: Many years ago I read "The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress" by Robert Heinlein. The plot is around a moon colony that starts a revolution against its Earth's masters and the colony uses as weapons drums of rock ore, launched into the Earth's gravitational well, and calculated so as to hit major population centers. Heinlein was a genius to have come up with that. Also in that book was a computer that achieved self-awareness and became part of the revolution. Highly recommend it.