Honestly, as good as this seems from a worldly perspective, it is tripping the radar of my biblical world view to red alert mode. This is entirely the definition of peace and safety that the Bible warns of that will deceive people into buying into. Perhaps even accepting the mark for.
I am a Trump supporter but above that I question everything. Is Trump in any way involved with NESARA/GESARA? If so he may be, unknowingly or not, setting up the stage for the Anti-Christ.
One key point I don’t get about NEAARA/GESARA, how can block chain rid all corruption but still guarantee privacy? One of the key points of N/G is financial privacy but the only way to ensure that would be full disclosure. Help me understand if I am ignorant.
Trump could be God's David right now, but he could just as easily become a Solomon.
People were getting excited the other day about Trump's capital punishment plans. There was even the McMahon meme with the punishments escalating to decapitation via guillotine.
"As it was in Bible times, beheading is often used as a means to terrorize potential enemies and silence opposition. But truth will not be silenced (Luke 19:40). We must remember that, even when our enemies flaunt their evil and brandish the heads of martyrs, Jesus told us not to fear, for He has “overcome the world” (John 16:33)."
I can see where they might want to still a kind of fear in people but why would the good guys need to literally and metaphorically "silence" someone? The Truth stands on its own.
Honestly, as good as this seems from a worldly perspective, it is tripping the radar of my biblical world view to red alert mode. This is entirely the definition of peace and safety that the Bible warns of that will deceive people into buying into. Perhaps even accepting the mark for.
I am a Trump supporter but above that I question everything. Is Trump in any way involved with NESARA/GESARA? If so he may be, unknowingly or not, setting up the stage for the Anti-Christ.
One key point I don’t get about NEAARA/GESARA, how can block chain rid all corruption but still guarantee privacy? One of the key points of N/G is financial privacy but the only way to ensure that would be full disclosure. Help me understand if I am ignorant.
Trump could be God's David right now, but he could just as easily become a Solomon.
People were getting excited the other day about Trump's capital punishment plans. There was even the McMahon meme with the punishments escalating to decapitation via guillotine.
"As it was in Bible times, beheading is often used as a means to terrorize potential enemies and silence opposition. But truth will not be silenced (Luke 19:40). We must remember that, even when our enemies flaunt their evil and brandish the heads of martyrs, Jesus told us not to fear, for He has “overcome the world” (John 16:33)."
I can see where they might want to still a kind of fear in people but why would the good guys need to literally and metaphorically "silence" someone? The Truth stands on its own.
I'm cautiously optimistic.