RandoMando2A 1 point ago +1 / -0

What percentage of the population do you think is actively using Bitcoin for everyday transactions right now when it is a mere novelty compared to other forms of currency? Such as your husband’s single visit to the bar. How many transactions per second does that equal?

What percentage of the population will be using Bitcoin for everyday transactions when it is the only or one of the very few forms of currency available and maybe even required to use by everyone everywhere in the whole country? Or possibly the entire world even? How many more transactions per second would this be?

Maybe you should do more research.

Better to be thought a fool by remaining quiet than to be proven one by opening your mouth.

RandoMando2A 3 points ago +3 / -0

Good for OK leading the way. On a side note Hillsdale College has a lot of free online Bible classes. Even as a life long Christian that was very familiar with these books and stories I found the Genesis, Exodus, and King David classes absolutely riveting and enlightening. It was very enlightening to learn more about the literary aspects of these books as it gave me the ability to glean more nuance and details from them.

RandoMando2A 2 points ago +2 / -0

Good for OK leading the way. On a side note Hillsdale College has a lot of free online Bible classes. Even as a life long Christian that was very familiar with these books and stories I found the Genesis, Exodus, and King David classes absolutely riveting and enlightening. It was very enlightening to learn more about the literary aspects of these books as it gave me the ability to glean more nuance and details from them.

RandoMando2A 3 points ago +4 / -1

Bitcoin could never be used as currency in its current form. Transactions per second are way too slow. It was never scaled up once Sitoshi left the scene. It is more in line with gold now as a storage of wealth but not for daily commerce. Bitcoin cash would be more suitable to use as currency because it’s transactions per second is much faster.

RandoMando2A 2 points ago +2 / -0

This guy knows what he’s talking about.

RandoMando2A 1 point ago +1 / -0

Considering a marriage certificate is an actual merger of the two person corporations to the government corporation this bad situation did them both a favor. Well, if they annulled it anyway. Otherwise all it did was remove God from between them and replaced Him with the State. Assuming it was a a religious bond to begin with. This one of the toughest gov contracts to get out of because it involves two people that have to be in agreement over it. Every single gov form that uses the ALL CAPS name is a contract that limits the natural living (wo)man in some way. Usually constitutional freedoms are given up.

Edit: now that I think about it. Medical bills are unsecured debt so they didn’t have to divorce. They could’ve just set it off using UCC-3. Knowledge is power.

RandoMando2A 0 points ago +2 / -2

Bread and circus something something…sportsball. Pfft!

RandoMando2A 4 points ago +4 / -0

Your DNA is taken at birth along with your foot prints. Prove me wrong.

RandoMando2A 5 points ago +7 / -2

You say that as if you’ve been to outer space and witnessed proof of something contrary. I’m not saying the earth is flat or not. I’m saying you’re criticizing someone for choosing not to blindly believe something they were told like you’ve chosen to do.

RandoMando2A 6 points ago +6 / -0

Why pass another whatever when the current whatever isn’t being enforced? There are already controls in place to keep people from insider trading and profiting off their office but they are ignored. I know because I have to submit a financial statement annually explaining all possible conflicts of interest for my gov job.

RandoMando2A 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’d like to know your opinion on that video if, or when, you ever make time to watch it.

RandoMando2A 1 point ago +1 / -0

Who knows about Garvey. It might be a safe bet he will be better than Schiff but nobody is any better than their last decision anymore. I don’t trust nobody anymore. Trump included.

RandoMando2A 7 points ago +7 / -0

Adam Schiff is coming to my church to debate Steve Garvey. In the age of body doubles, supposed clones, and masked actors, it will be interesting to see who shows up. Hillary is the only one we’ve seen get picked up.


RandoMando2A 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, screeching lesbians, does seem to be a thing. I could not get past the first two seconds of the screeching. Lord, please help this woman as you see fit. Amen.

RandoMando2A 3 points ago +3 / -0

Supposedly there was a long ago split in freemasonry when a prominent leader started satanic worship in his lodge, or whatever they call them, and it spread. Saint Germaine is supposed to represent the “good” side. I’m using good loosely as I don’t believe anything about freemasonry is good. It is the antithesis to Christ even in its so called “good” form it’s still Gnosticism at best. The first 30 or so minutes of the below linked video speaks about Masonic history and the split. Conversely, stating at 55mins it has a very good historical account of the USA’s founding and it’s interaction with banking oligarchs through that period. Enjoy!


Edit: I’m pissed off after watching that. I bought my fireworks from the Rotary Club. I had no idea they were tied to Freemasonry. I even asked them at the stand what the Rotary Club is to make an effort not to fund demons and they explained themselves as some kind of general community charity. Pfft! Rotary Club is now on the cancel list.

RandoMando2A 3 points ago +3 / -0

He also outlawed the final semblance of real money in the U.S. by removing silver and substituting it with paper backed by oil instead of metal.

Edit: Nixon was no friend to the constitution. Much like Lincoln, he may have done some positive things but the negative he did far outweighed the positive and prolonged our suffering by enabling the bankers to tighten their grip on us.

RandoMando2A 11 points ago +11 / -0

I’ve believed this from Goggle’s introduction. Anyone else remember Justin Timberlake blurting out “Buy Google” on SNL back in the 90’s? Forget if it was. Backstreet Boys musical guest appearance or JT’s first solo hosting of the show. I saw it live. Ya, total sketch if you ask me.

RandoMando2A 2 points ago +2 / -0

It does give some document references. Various government and international acts, some down to the specific paragraph, others to specific quotes from people.

RandoMando2A 1 point ago +1 / -0

Check out the linked video. Start at the 55min mark. Before that is bunch of Masonic history (1-30mins) and NESARA stuff. It also speaks of the rise of power of the banker elite (basically Prussiagate stuff 30-55mins). It posits a good masonic side vs a bad side. Supposedly there was a split. I don’t buy into any of it and well, NESARA seems more to me like the coming of the one world market than anything that will save us but I digress.

The meat of what your post is about is spoken of in the latter two hours of the video. While I don’t buy into any Masonic stuff, NESARA maybe but I have reservations about that too, the rest is a great lesson on the history of our country’s founding and it’s interaction with the banking cartel through that period. I believe it is factual based on comparison with other studies I’ve had over the past couple years.

Start at 55mins and ignore the Saint Germain references unless you’re interested in that crap, in which case you may want to watch the first 55mins as well. Enjoy!


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