Lately, I've been noticing the ones starting to connect the dots are having difficulty realizing and accepting, that the ones they trusted, have betrayed them. Confusion is a fusion of feelings. When I read posts like this, I can see the ping-pong balls bouncing back and forth in their minds.
The truth will set us free. But sometimes at first... it can really suck. But, it's the avenue toward inner peace.
This is where we need to gently steer them towards the right direction. I have noticed that people who wake up, esp to the vaccines, but also everything else in general - tend to be very stressed and worried (rightfully) - but this stress causes them to go back into denial because they dont want to believe the world has no hope.
I notice again and again, mentioning JFK and how his assassination started a bunch of good guys in military to start co-ordinating a way to bring down the evil - it has a huge effect. Suddenly the fear is replaced by curiosity and hope.
Lately, I've been noticing the ones starting to connect the dots are having difficulty realizing and accepting, that the ones they trusted, have betrayed them. Confusion is a fusion of feelings. When I read posts like this, I can see the ping-pong balls bouncing back and forth in their minds.
The truth will set us free. But sometimes at first... it can really suck. But, it's the avenue toward inner peace.
This is where we need to gently steer them towards the right direction. I have noticed that people who wake up, esp to the vaccines, but also everything else in general - tend to be very stressed and worried (rightfully) - but this stress causes them to go back into denial because they dont want to believe the world has no hope.
I notice again and again, mentioning JFK and how his assassination started a bunch of good guys in military to start co-ordinating a way to bring down the evil - it has a huge effect. Suddenly the fear is replaced by curiosity and hope.