"God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, in whom dwelleth wisdom and knowledge, flood Thou our souls with understanding from above! Open now our eyes that we may behold the depths of truth that can be known only by the quickening of Thy Spirit! Remove the dark veil from our hearts, the veil of natural understanding and religious tradition cast over our minds by the carnal church systems of men, that light divine may shine upon us! Grant to our spirits the breath of inspiration that we may know as Thou knowest, and see as Thou seest! Amen! The book of Revelation was not sent to Israel nor to the nations. It was sent to the church, the called out elect of God. The only "end" referred to in this book is JESUS! "I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last" (Rev. 22:13). The Revelation is not about "the end times;" it is about a NEW DAY, it is the REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST!"
Much more in the link:
I hate to break the news to you, but during the end times, there will be 144,000 witnesses. They are all Jewish.
The church of Jesus Christ is not Jewish. In Christ, which is who we are, is no Jew or Gentile. There is no male or female either.
144,000 is a symbolic number. All of the Jewish language of Revelation is symbolic of things in Jesus Christ.
Revelation is not flesh and blood, brick and mortar, it is spiritual reality of the Revelation of Jesus Christ in you.
Deep stuff, I think the church needs it.