"As dew distilling from the heavens comes the revelation of Jesus Christ from every page of John’s vision. It is the drama of God’s great plan of the ages wrought out first in His called and chosen elect, then in the nations, and finally in all the vast creations of God. Everything is viewed from the divine and heavenly perspective. It is not the history of Satan’s activity in men and upon the earth, but the all-conquering power of God’s Christ! It is the spiritual drama of Father’s dealings in our lives. It is preeminently the revelation of Jesus Christ. The word “revelation” means to unveil, uncover, or take the cover off. The unveiling of Jesus Christ — that’s what is happening in God’s elect! That is what is taking place in the earth today! That’s what the book of Revelation is all about! As that which has been hidden in Jesus Christ is revealed, uncovered, brought out into the open and exhibited, the glory of Jesus Christ is shining forth from His body in all the earth. Christ is in us! The revelation of Jesus Christ must, therefore, be in us and out from us! Christ in you IS the hope of glory, as the apostle wrote!"
Much more in the link:
1 Corinthians 15:57. But thanks be to God, who gives us the Victory [making us conquerors] through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Jehovah Nissi Our Victory our banner! You cannot win in your own strength, you can only win in God's strength. Jehovah Jesus! we will go from strength to strength, from faith to faith and from glory to glory!