Ivermectin worked for me, my son and my wife. And when my wife took it it had a very surprising upside. You see my wife has had severe acid reflux. We even had to tip our bed so it was not flat. She has been rotating through various pills for this for like 10 years. It sometimes gets so bad that food gets stuck and she cant swallow due to the swelling and throat inflammation. She has eaten a truck load of antiacids and tons of prescription pills.
After taking the ivermectin when she was very sick from covid/flu she has not had acid reflux since. Its been a month and its gone. Not reduced but gone. This is the first time in over 10 years where she is not being tortured daily by it.
The funny thing is that she knew I was taking tons of ivermectin, my son took it, but she fought me on taking it until she was very sick. Its almost like she hates to admit that I was right and the acid reflux is a super bonus.
Acid reflux is almost certainly caused by low stomach acid rather than high stomach acid,
well it was so bad it was dissolving her tongue and she would be spitting blood in the mornings. I think its caused by some kind of parasite. The ivermectin kills it. Thats my theory anyway. if it cures it I dont care what happened, just that its cured.
Hey im curious if she drinks alcohol, mine went away after I stopped drinking
no she does not drink any alcohol. She is having the first time in over 10 years without huge acid reflux. I prob would not believe it if i was not seeing it. She stopped the prescription acid pills yesterday..... time will tell if she gets it back I guess, if so she will get another dose of the horse paste :)