I used to pride myself in generally being on top of the narrative, and having a general idea of where things are headed to not be black pilled, despite the constant drumming of “just two more weeks” and so on.
Now, not from a lack of trying or not paying as much attention, I’ve completely lost the plot on what the fuck is going on. Where we’re headed, what’s next, what’s the plan, and how much worse can it/does it have to get?
I’ve had my ear to the ground, in tune with all this since 2015, back when The_Donald was under 10,000 subs on Reddit. I’m not only burnt out, I’m driving on bald tires at this point
Does anyone have a good summary of the plot I’ve lost track of with Trump, Q, and the rest of the Patriots and White Hats, that is realistic, isn’t doomfagging, and can’t be boiled down to simply “God wins”?
There is no peaceful resolution here.
Those in the 'white' hat arena think they are doing the right thing and if the world ends tomorrow, believe they lived their life aligned to good.
The problem is our culture and values are shattered. The wicked liberal believe they are also doing the right thing and believe they are aligned to good.
Except we see their utter bullshit as what it is - nonsensical pure evil.
We cannot coexist with evil. There is no path in my mind that doesnt lead to all out civil war. These people are delusional and have no moral compass. They dont even understand that they are insane and brain washed by Satan. We either take back control or our children/grandchildren go extinct by being gay or chopping off their reproductive organs.