For most of the US this cold blast will be the last and it will be time to start getting our hands dirty. I have a 12 acre farm that fully supports my family and leaves plenty left over for storage and the future. While I'm biased a bit, I think it's time to bring back victory gardens.
Get out there, dig in the dirt, and plant some seeds.
Feel free to ask advice here!
In addition to gardening, I'm going to build a small chicken coop this summer (between tilling and planting the large garden, it will take me a while to make the coop as I'm not an experienced carpenter, but I have the tools and a good book and spare wood, so I'm gonna go for it) so I can order chicks next spring. I wanted to get chicks this spring, but I have to be realistic about how long it will take me to build the coop.
Check out backyard chickens dot com, tons of info
Oh yeah, thanks. And there are tons of channels on YT for backyard chickens. I'm going to grow black oil sunflower seeds this summer to supplement chicken and bird feed. I don't think I have enough space for corn, unless I tear up more of my lawn, which I probably will eventually.
Lol we tried corn, a small amount. Big mistake - just as it was at harvest-ready, crows wiped it out. You pretty much have to grow enough such that there will be enough left after the crows take their cut...
Yeah, I kind of figured they would take up too much room in the yard, for such a small harvest. The sunflowers are big enough, but we don't mind sharing with the birds...that's who we plant them for.