From what I understand of the origins of Free Masons, were that during the days of Castle Building, since castles were in high demand all through Europe. That Masons, if good enough to be in demand by contactors, had the right to freely travel between different lands and kingdoms to fulfil the requests of those they built for (such as kings, dukes, Lords... Etc). And thus the brotherhood began. Making connections.
Now this could be just the history they feed us on the origins, but as for doing their work for free. I do not believe that was the case.
If you were a king, you obviously had an interest in making sure your masons and architects would be able to build the strongest fortifications, and the grandest display of artistry. A King would also employ chemists (alchemists) to determine the strongest metal for swords, etc.
All stone masons (pre 17th century or so) were employed by the monarchy, as the building of stone buildings (cathedrals and castles) was a secret art. It would be dangerous if the enemy got full access to your secrets as it would ruin your advantage.
They had the full understanding of Gods workings via many many years of observing the stars, agriculture, building, maths, philosophy.
This is the original freemasonry, passing down and preserving the secrets that allow for the building of a great Cathedral (amongst many other things). The knowledge has probably been preserved from Ancient Greece, Egypt and perhaps Sumeria before that. These are the true founders of Christianity (before Christianity was turned into a limited hangout by Rome).
These original freemasons sought (and some may still seek) to give knowledge to the world in a safe manner. Just giving ALL this knowledge to humanity instantly without the full understanding would lead to chaos, so it has to be trickled out.
From what I understand of the origins of Free Masons, were that during the days of Castle Building, since castles were in high demand all through Europe. That Masons, if good enough to be in demand by contactors, had the right to freely travel between different lands and kingdoms to fulfil the requests of those they built for (such as kings, dukes, Lords... Etc). And thus the brotherhood began. Making connections.
Now this could be just the history they feed us on the origins, but as for doing their work for free. I do not believe that was the case.
However, I still like Elon trolling.
If you were a king, you obviously had an interest in making sure your masons and architects would be able to build the strongest fortifications, and the grandest display of artistry. A King would also employ chemists (alchemists) to determine the strongest metal for swords, etc. All stone masons (pre 17th century or so) were employed by the monarchy, as the building of stone buildings (cathedrals and castles) was a secret art. It would be dangerous if the enemy got full access to your secrets as it would ruin your advantage.
They had the full understanding of Gods workings via many many years of observing the stars, agriculture, building, maths, philosophy.
This is the original freemasonry, passing down and preserving the secrets that allow for the building of a great Cathedral (amongst many other things). The knowledge has probably been preserved from Ancient Greece, Egypt and perhaps Sumeria before that. These are the true founders of Christianity (before Christianity was turned into a limited hangout by Rome).
These original freemasons sought (and some may still seek) to give knowledge to the world in a safe manner. Just giving ALL this knowledge to humanity instantly without the full understanding would lead to chaos, so it has to be trickled out.