I could use a little help from my frens...
🧐 Help Wanted 🤔
Tomorrow, I am up for a 3rd interview for a position that I really want. I've been laid off since last summer and it's getting tough. I feel pretty good about it, but a part of me is trying to play it down, not get hopes up, etc. frankly, because I don't want to be disappointed again.
However, someone told me the other day that fear and faith are two sides of the same coin. You don't know which side is going to come up until you flip it, so why not lean into faith? So, I am going to take that advice. Therefore, I humbly ask you if you don't mind saying a little prayer for me tonight. It would be most appreciated.
Please read the pinned post at the top of my FB page. It will give you all the faith you will ever need. https://www.facebook.com/tony.woody.524
Then go read this Johns Hopkins University article with my story in it along with 17 other people's Near Death Experience stories. https://nibjournal.org/voices/healthcareafternde/
Ask from your Heart then believe it is done already, and ye shall receive; always. When the mind is in fear mode it cancels the very thing you want at that time. Fear is just an acronym that means False Evidence Appearing Real. It also steals your best future Life from you. If you never quit on God, you cannot fail; because your Victory becomes inevitable.