Just to be a complete and total "DICK" . . . Just how many of you here reading this post have an "Illegal Alien" / "Border Jumper" - ??? as a - House Keeper / Nanny / Gardener / Pool Man / Tree Trimmer / Roofer / Handy Man ??? - I do all that shit on my own. - AND - if I didn't , i would ONLY hire "AMERICAN" - always have / always will . . . Sorry if it really SUCKS to be Honest . . . Go look in a fucken mirror.
??? What Fucken Now ???
"IF" I lived in Mexico City . . . i wouldn't hire the tattooed Friggin White asshole - blasting Kid Rock , flyin Old Glory , in his lifted Chevrolet - to eradicate my Iguana infestation in my yard. Pretty Friggin simple.
I have ZERO lol. My sister's brother in law mows our lawn since neither mom nor I can do it. Other than that - we handle what we can and hire licensed companies for the rest.
Just to be a complete and total "DICK" . . . Just how many of you here reading this post have an "Illegal Alien" / "Border Jumper" - ??? as a - House Keeper / Nanny / Gardener / Pool Man / Tree Trimmer / Roofer / Handy Man ??? - I do all that shit on my own. - AND - if I didn't , i would ONLY hire "AMERICAN" - always have / always will . . . Sorry if it really SUCKS to be Honest . . . Go look in a fucken mirror. ??? What Fucken Now ???
"IF" I lived in Mexico City . . . i wouldn't hire the tattooed Friggin White asshole - blasting Kid Rock , flyin Old Glory , in his lifted Chevrolet - to eradicate my Iguana infestation in my yard. Pretty Friggin simple.
I have ZERO lol. My sister's brother in law mows our lawn since neither mom nor I can do it. Other than that - we handle what we can and hire licensed companies for the rest.