Why is Dan Crenshaw posting this murder in the Capitol video?? A reporter shot a congressman dead. Why is that focused on enough to publicly post?
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Interesting bit of history there. The shooter (Kincaid) was later found not guilty after mounting a "self-defense" plea. It was really a clear case of homicide, but politics no doubt played a part and Kincaid eventually walked free.
There were only two witnesses to the shooting... some unidentified "boy" who could not be found after the incident, and the other a Mr. Sam Donaldson from Tennessee who was a "doorkeeper," but he refused to make a statement.
If you want to read a contemporary newspaper account of the incident, go here: https://news.hrvh.org/veridian/?a=d&d=rocklandctyjournal18900315.2.97&e=-------en-20--1--txt-txIN-------