I got suspended for 12 hours for answering a question put out by someone who is a conservative and exposing the vaxx fraud. She asked basically in light of Fauci's lies causing the deaths of untold numbers, "what should be done with Fauci" (close enough), and I replied: Hang Him High.
I didn't challenge their violation and suspension, because why would you verbally challenge these satanic NWO killers hiding behind Elon's now obvious fake free speech experiment. Elon returning to CA should be a huge red flag.
The only thing to do is to HANG THEM ALL HIGH. Elon included. And I sure as hell hope they're reading this, and understanding that millions of people are ready to do just that. One way or another.
Well, we now know who (((owns))) him. Hope the blackmail was worth it. Dude is getting SMEARED on instagram. You really don't want to piss off patriot rednecks by endorsing treason and proxy wars if you play "country" music. Little rat-face fucker has always been all hat, no cattle.
To much truth,is always a ban.
Keep up the good work.
I got suspended for 12 hours for answering a question put out by someone who is a conservative and exposing the vaxx fraud. She asked basically in light of Fauci's lies causing the deaths of untold numbers, "what should be done with Fauci" (close enough), and I replied: Hang Him High.
I didn't challenge their violation and suspension, because why would you verbally challenge these satanic NWO killers hiding behind Elon's now obvious fake free speech experiment. Elon returning to CA should be a huge red flag.
The only thing to do is to HANG THEM ALL HIGH. Elon included. And I sure as hell hope they're reading this, and understanding that millions of people are ready to do just that. One way or another.
Well, we now know who (((owns))) him. Hope the blackmail was worth it. Dude is getting SMEARED on instagram. You really don't want to piss off patriot rednecks by endorsing treason and proxy wars if you play "country" music. Little rat-face fucker has always been all hat, no cattle.