Was Xi Jinping held hostage by the Deep State with the Wuhan Lab Leak theory? — Was Covid-19 engineered in a US owned and funded bio-laboratory in Ukraine and later transported to Wuhan to frame China? — What happens now that China and Russia are allied against the western interests in Ukraine?

Someone asked me about my thoughts on Xi some months ago and I answered that Xi is China first (or more like his faction within the CCP first).
To the Chinese, there are no permanent friendships in international politics, only temporary alliances based on common interests. The moment the interests don't align, they break the alliance.
Even though the Soviet Union helped the establishment of communist China, China broke off their alliance with the USSR when they began courting the Americans for economic benefits back in the 70s. But once the benefits have been realized, they have no problem stabbing America in the back. (Now, there are American traitors who happily destroyed America for their personal gains, so it's not like the Chinese needed any help.)