posted ago by ashlanddog ago by ashlanddog +28 / -0

Hear counsel, and receive instruction, that thou mayest be wise in thy latter end. — Proverbs 19:20

I remember one night that my son was pretty upset. He had been working on something that he was putting together at home. He had put many pieces together, but he could not get some of the pieces to go into the project as he wanted. I remember he came over to me with the pieces and said, “Daddy fix it. I can’t do it.”

As we talked, I encouraged him not to give up. I knew that he was able to handle the situation and that he would figure it out. He kept trying, but each time he kept running short on ideas to fix it. He eventually walked away. Throughout the evening, he kept telling me how he couldn’t fix it. It really had him upset.

Soon, he was at his final straw. He had tried everything he could think of. I sat down with him, and we looked back at the instructions. He had tried to put the item together without the instructions, but he had left out an important step. When he went back to the instructions, he realized his mistake and quickly put the pieces into place.

There are many times in life we are presented with situations where the pieces just don’t fall into place. We try as hard as we can, but we can’t seem to fix things. As we become worried and frustrated, we often overlook the instructions and guidance that God has given us.

God has given us His word, the ultimate source of truth, guidance, instruction, and help for life. But so many times, we try to do everything on our own and ignore the instructions. As you go through your day today, don’t forget the instructions! Take a few moments to spend time in God’s word, learn from it, and trust the guidance found inside to help you through your day.

Jared Dyson

Another Well Ministries