BoldSpear & ElmerFudd
Maher says that Trumpers are in a cult and then goes on to say that he cannot tell if DeSantis is 'playing some kind of part' or if he's actually an "old school Republican" like Jeb Bush. Interesting that he also can't seem to tell if DeSantis is playing s...
Ummm... No. Just... No. From a historic perspective, one of the many, many, many other particularly unique things about Christianity is that salvation there isn't achieved through works by but by faith, which means it isn't a human religion as far as human religions go because human religions all preach works based salvation because humans would never have been smart enough to come up with a religion where the deity saves you so simply and willfully because then how else can the humans who made the religion use it as a tool to rule and be exalted?
That's a really cool point, thanks for posting. "so no man should boast" gets even more meaning in the light of your words.