I love it. This little meme expresses something profound. Some of humanity is transitioning to a higher vibration. We are immune to propaganda. We are still trapped in the world fear-based system, mainly through the fake fiat financial paradigm but are getting ready to burst free even of that. We will be living according to higher law based on love and truth. We are already happier than most and it drives ‘em nuts. “They” — those in power—try to destroy our happiness because it doesn’t depend on them. They are losing their grip on that effort.
I love it. This little meme expresses something profound. Some of humanity is transitioning to a higher vibration. We are immune to propaganda. We are still trapped in the world fear-based system, mainly through the fake fiat financial paradigm but are getting ready to burst free even of that. We will be living according to higher law based on love and truth. We are already happier than most and it drives ‘em nuts. “They” — those in power—try to destroy our happiness because it doesn’t depend on them. They are losing their grip on that effort.