Just a reminder: We (the anons) represent 1/100th of a percent of the general pop at best. We knew about it because we were trained to be researchers and analysts. The rest of the world is slowly waking up to the idea. This is a massive bombshell for the normies. What comes next is declas and disclosure. Massie’s tweet is the initial salvo in an intelligence preparation for the 5GW battlefield counter assault.
Of course we knew. We followed the actual science and we’re not a bunch of mouthbreathing NPC sheep. Don’t be smug. The tweet was for the other 99.99% of the populace.
Just a reminder: We (the anons) represent 1/100th of a percent of the general pop at best. We knew about it because we were trained to be researchers and analysts. The rest of the world is slowly waking up to the idea. This is a massive bombshell for the normies. What comes next is declas and disclosure. Massie’s tweet is the initial salvo in an intelligence preparation for the 5GW battlefield counter assault.
Of course we knew. We followed the actual science and we’re not a bunch of mouthbreathing NPC sheep. Don’t be smug. The tweet was for the other 99.99% of the populace.