I want to establish a website. It will be basic initially but dont want to have to worry about being doxxed, losing hosting, losing payments, getting hacked, etc
Does anyone have experiences to share. Is is not worth worrying about until you have something established? or is it critical to do certain things right at the beginning?
Without any advice I would just go to GoDaddy and get a domain, then go to some random hosting company for a cheap hosting deal, stick on a blog template like wordpress, and figure out email list plugins and donate buttons and subscriptions options using paypal.
Are these choices flawed somehow? what services would people here recommend. The website does have the potential to be seen as "anti-establishment" so I would prefer to be hidden as the real person behind it, and would prefer to avoid getting paypal pulled just as I get traction... those kind of risks I would like to mitigate, any tips?
Send me a message on Truth Social @realusadreamer and I will be happy to share some info. I own a small dev business.
Sitesell/SBI. Regist your domain name and build site. Been with them for years. Other places may be risk of getting booted by woke corporate. Sitesell has great features for SEO and support. You'll have to use an email list management service like mailchimp or constant contact and not go cheap about mailing list or you'll be sorry. You can blog or do whatever you want. You can do so much at sitesell! Highly recommend. You can put PayPal Buy buttons. An alternative, which I also use, is a Shopify site/cart. They have integrated mailing list feature. Extremely nice templates and function. Domain registration. Cart is Stripe, people can use any credit card for payments, not paypal. People w PP debit cards, can use card w stripe. I get the impression that PayPal is on the way out. Shopify as a corp is a bit woke but wising up!! Ive not heard good things about integrating wordpress into a site. And if you register a site with WP and go totally WP rhroughout, it is freakin complicated. If you start out doing things scattershot and go with the cheapest way to do everything you'll just have to change later and that is such a pain. And untidy! I'd go Sitesell, optimally. Places like PayHip for free site... don't touch it. Royal ass pain. Other things like samcart and zipify, shopify is already doing and proven out. Finding out the hard way wastes too much time. Go with good track records.
Thanks for that I will explore those option. Appreciate the response.