Remote Viewing Tom Hanks (from 2021)
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This is very cool, but this doesn't belong on GAW. Try conspiracies? Thanks for understanding
The C_A used remote viewing and, up until 1995, it was no secret. After that it became classified. But it remains in use by the C_A clandestinely and by others such as Dick Allgire. It's even used to locate archeological sites. It's my belief that people associated with the Q team use it.
Dick Algire is an interesting individual. He's one of the best. There is definitely 'something' to remote viewing and is often right. Even the Intel agencies use it. Obviously, it's not always correct and therein lies the problem. I believe he is correct about Tom Hanks.
Wow, this was interesting! Didn't Isaac Kappy say stuff about Hanks? I think Hanks is part of the deep state club. He's a tool to help control the masses with his influence and with whatever they want him to say.