Consider this when you think of your own life. Most would say they can't do great things because they have problems. God desires flawed people to use because it only heightens the glory He receives from the works He calls them to do.
I just remember him from a Sunday school song. A 'wee little man' who climbed a sycamore tree to watch Jesus pass by and when he did, Jesus called out and told him to come down because he was going to his house that day.
Well, it is only when God works though us, despite our flaws that proves that it is the power of God that is working through us...lest any man should boast...we become nothing...empty...and in our weakness we are made strong through the power of the Holy Spirit...quite the paradox...
Consider this when you think of your own life. Most would say they can't do great things because they have problems. God desires flawed people to use because it only heightens the glory He receives from the works He calls them to do.
I was thinking the same thing. Poor Zaccheus!
I just remember him from a Sunday school song. A 'wee little man' who climbed a sycamore tree to watch Jesus pass by and when he did, Jesus called out and told him to come down because he was going to his house that day.
Boy am I flawed! I pray God can do something great with me some day!
Well, it is only when God works though us, despite our flaws that proves that it is the power of God that is working through us...lest any man should boast...we become nothing...empty...and in our weakness we are made strong through the power of the Holy Spirit...quite the paradox...