“Why hasn’t Putin attacked us yet?” Blowing up the Nord Stream was ABSOLUTELY an act of war! How could he let an energy resource/YUGE revenue stream be blown up without retaliation? Well, I haven’t had much time to dig, but I think I stumbled on something:
(Image 1)- Viziv Technologies (Later Texzon Technologies) has built a tower in Milford, TX that is similar to Nikola Tesla’s Wardenclyffe Tower for wireless transmission. wirelessly transmit energy between any two points on the globe. Their aim is to utilize an electromagnetic wave that uses the surface of the earth as a guide, enabling it to carry signals and electricity over long distances by using vibrations between electric fields and magnetic fields.
(Image 2)- The inventors/patent owners are Dr. James F. Corum, Kenneth L. Corum, and Viziv/Texzon CEO and President, Brigadier General (retired) Michael W. Miller, USAF.
(Image 3)- James F. Corum has a resume that speaks for itself. The part I found interesting, he was invited as a guest of the Russian Academy of Sciences to the Institute of High Temperatures in Moscow, and his work on Ball Lightning and High Voltage Pulsed RF Sources has appeared in the Soviet literature. He has consulted for private industry and for DARPA, DoD, DIA, IDA, NRO, CIA, AFOSR, NEODTC, ARO, NASA, NIOSH, DOE and other governmental agencies.
Kenneth L. Corum is the recipient of many industrial and teaching awards. His fundamental work on the electromagnetic generation of ball lightning has been published in Russian by the Soviet Academy of Sciences. He spoke by invitation in Novi Sad and in Belgrade as a guest of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts in 1993. Mr. Corum has co-authored six books and published more than sixty technical papers, and he is listed in Outstanding Young Men of America and in American Men and Women of Science.
General Miller retired from the Air Force after 28 years of military service. The first 6 years of his career he was an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Launch Officer and spent the remaining 22 years in the healthcare administration arena. He directed strategic planning for a global organization of 40,000 personnel with an annual budget of almost $6 billion.
(Image 4)- Is where coincidences start to appear. In March 2016 (just before Trump), Texzon released a paper “Surface Waves and the ‘Crucial’ Propagation Experiment” for the Wireless Power Conference at Baylor University. Viziv is in bankruptcy since January 2021 (End of Trump’s term), and being sold to NuPower, a US company headquartered in Bahrain.
(Image 5)- I did a double take. In August 2018, Viziv began conducting research in the Baylor Research and Innovation Collaborative (BRIC)… "History is replete with examples of the power of people and organizations coming together to do what would be impossible individually," said Viziv CEO and President, Brigadier General (retired) Michael W. Miller. "Viziv Technologies' young history is a great example of just that - strategic alliances determined to Power the Planet and Bring Light to the World.
BRICS is an acronym for five leading emerging economies: Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. The BRICS are considered the foremost rival to the G7 bloc of leading advanced economies, announcing competing initiatives such as the New Development Bank, Contingent Reserve Arrangement, BRICS payment system, and BRICS basket reserve currency. Since 2022, the group has sought to expand membership, with several developing countries expressing interest in joining. And sure shit, one of those countries just happens to be… you guessed it, Bahrain.
Are Russia and the BRICS Countries intentionally moving away from the petrodollar because they know that free energy awaits?
There’s also a spiritual side to this.
How is Viziv different? The founders and management of Viziv Technologies are driven by a deep Christian faith. This belief defines the purpose and vision of the entire company. Our mission to “Power the Planet and Bring Light to the World” has more to do with improving the quality of life for people everywhere than it does with any specific aspect of our technology.
The Corum brothers have deep roots in the Assemblies of God and all four men have been a part of discovering, developing, and moving forward a new technology that will allow electricity to be transported wirelessly.
The men also desire to direct the technologies and resources gained toward Kingdom purposes for the end-time harvest.
General Superintendent George O. Wood, who presented the medals of honor, began by sharing about the Corum brothers’ grandmother, Lillie Corum, the pioneer of Pentecost in Springfield, Missouri, and founder of what would become Central Assembly of God.
And on Gen. Michael W. Miller
Michael Miller has devoted his life to his country and fellow man. Commissioned by the Air Force as a second lieutenant in 1984, Michael spent 28 years in military service, rising to the rank of Brigadier General in 2009. He spent the first six years of his career as an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Launch Officer and the remaining 22 years in the healthcare administration arena. General Miller’s career culminated as the Assistant Surgeon General, Strategic Medical Plans, Programs and Budget and Chief of the Medical Service Corps. In this role he directed strategic planning for a global organization of over 40,000 personnel through 75 medical treatment facilities worldwide.
General Miller is currently president and CEO of TEXZON Technologies and is a Professor in the College of Business and Education at Southwestern Assemblies of God University.
Other than the loss of life of Russian forces, the ongoing military action has cost Russia nothing. They are selling as much or more of their own resources to nations that have ignored the US/NATO call for sanctions than before the commencement of the "special denazification" operation inside Ukraine, read Khazaria,.
Furthermore they have obliterated most of the of the equipment and arms sent in support of Zelensky's Neo-Nazi efforts to repel the Russian advances. All while using 1/10 of the munitions being expended by Ukrainian forces. Add to that the fact that Russian produces several times more munitions than they are expending. They produce these munitions in their own factories using their own resources. Us/NATO production of what has been expended so far would take upwards of a decade to replenish.
All in all, I would say Russia planned their actions pretty well, while attempting to allow for a diplomatic solution to their many grievances that have been expressed by Russia for almost a decade. Forgive me for believing that if some entity was attempting to put weapons of war on the borders we share with Canada and/or Mexico it would likely not be accepted by most of the saner folks here in the USA. It compares to the response of JFK when the Soviet Union tried to place nuclear armed missiles in Cuba.
I also suspect that somewhere in the murkiness of the global geopolitical climate certain heads of state were brought together to plan all of this in the ongoing war "control" of the world. I continue to watch the show and wonder where it goes next, how long will it take, who wins?
Excellent! Great summary of the special operations going on, exactly like you said. Russia is kicking the piss out of Ukraine at very little cost, protecting their borders, and make NATO look like a bunch of little yippers. Russia is big dog, calm and strategic.