I live just a few miles from this train derailment. I believe a lot of these train derailments are on purpose for sure. But this one I have to say actually may not of been! We have had a lot of rain here last week and the ground is still saturated bad here with water. It is no surprise a rock slide would happen at that part of the tracks. It is actually a very moutainous area through there between Hinton and Sandstone, WV. Also, that isn't the first train to derail in this area. A few years ago had one derail around the same location carrying corn silage. Stunk the whole place up for weeks. Locals were shoveling it up to feed their animals around here since the railroad just left it. Anyway, I dont want to underplay the fact fuel is going into the river but savataging an empty coal train with a rock slide in WV seems to be a slight stretch, especially since this area of track is dangerous for rock slides on a good day. If anyone here has any questions for me though feel free to ask. Ill do my best to explain the area here where I live and how the trains operate through the area.
I live just a few miles from this train derailment. I believe a lot of these train derailments are on purpose for sure. But this one I have to say actually may not of been! We have had a lot of rain here last week and the ground is still saturated bad here with water. It is no surprise a rock slide would happen at that part of the tracks. It is actually a very moutainous area through there between Hinton and Sandstone, WV. Also, that isn't the first train to derail in this area. A few years ago had one derail around the same location carrying corn silage. Stunk the whole place up for weeks. Locals were shoveling it up to feed their animals around here since the railroad just left it. Anyway, I dont want to underplay the fact fuel is going into the river but savataging an empty coal train with a rock slide in WV seems to be a slight stretch, especially since this area of track is dangerous for rock slides on a good day. If anyone here has any questions for me though feel free to ask. Ill do my best to explain the area here where I live and how the trains operate through the area.